Sunday, June 26, 2011


no meet,no call,no message,no chat,no news for almost 2 weeks,just concentrate on your prayer,don't worry about me,i'm okay,well see you soon,i can't deny that i miss you

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Enviroment Comic

(klik 2 kali pada gambar untuk melihat kualitas gambar yang lebih baik)

This is our contribution for the better Indonesia

by : Team 55 (Calon Panitia PROKM ITB 2011)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Widya Saraswati :)

This mini comic special for you :
Widya Saraswati
Happy Birthday
just pray the best for you,for all you want and all you need
may Allah always bless you
semoga menjadi muslimah sejati yang cantik luar dalam
sukses jadi Bu Perencana masa depan (amin)
i love you

(maaf baru post malam,baru selesai ospek Chi hehe)

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I am a Futuristic person,i like to talk about my life in the future
// who i am in the future // about my success career // about my plan goingn around the world and meet many people // about my sweet family // about my minimalist home // about my mosque and orphanage //

Incidentally,there is a task about the Vision in the future..

this is it : 
The Visualisation of My Vision

1.Star : The one almighty Allah
2.Yellow Shield : self power,and yellow means
3.Green mountain and waterfall forming the letter A
    it means that water flow from high places to low
    places, i want to be a humble person eventhough
    eventhough i will be successful
4.The medical symbol forming the letter I
    it means that i want to be a remedy water(air yang 
5.Protection symbol forming the letter R 
    it means that i  want to be a force to protect others 
6.Water Droplets with the two sides of me in the future

 The Essay of My Vision

   so,make your own vision Guys ; )

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Kali ini saya bukan bercerita tentang film yang fenomenal yaitu Twilight Eclipse,tapi saya bercerita tentang Gerhana bulan pada 16 Juni 2011,Kamis dini hari sekitar pukul 01.00 WIB
Saya melihat langsung dari rooftop tempat kostan saya di Bandung bersama teman-teman kostan..
Bulan yang kami lihat itu,bulannya sangat kecil  dan tidak terlalu jelas,karena tidak mempunyai teropong maupun kamera profesional,jadi kami melihatnya hanya dengan mata telanjang..
Malam itu terdengar suara takbiran "Allahuakbar..Allahuakbar..Allahuakbar..Lailahailallah..Allahuakbar.."
Saya baru tahu saat itu ternyata kalau terjadi gerhana bulan maupun matahari maka takbir dikumandangkan,bak sedang malam takbiran lebaran..
Kalau yang terlihat dr kostan,hanya seperti ini :

(maaf ya cuma kamera handphone)

tapi,ternyata aslinya kalau dilihat jelas,seperti ini :

Subhanallah indahnya kebesaran Allah SWT :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Cute Little Boy

How cute it is :3

 can you guess,who is he ?

" Hi,my name is Deriano Vidyatama ,i'm 10 years old "

I wish i could see him as a child,want to catch him and pinch his cheek hahaha
but it's impossible
 Now,he is almost 19 years old and study at Chemical Engineering ITB
and more fortunate that now he is belong to me
thank you Allah,i'm so grateful :'D