Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Concise Journey in Semarang

i went to Lawang Sewu by Becak

and this is the building of Lawang Sewu

this building built during colonization by the Dutch

this is why,it called Lawang Sewu = Pintu Seribu

i love this alleyway

the subway...but i could not get down,am not brave scared

pictures of this building history

the building architecture

at the time,
i was bored,
and i didn't want to spend my time just by sleeping in a hotel room,
and i wanted to use my time to visit places I had never visited,
finally, i asked my Mom to go to some places in Semarang,
and i went to some places by becak, yay !

i love travelling, 
around the places that I had never visited,
i'm someone who has a high curiosity.

Their Sincere Laugh

They are still an innocent baby
who don't understand anything about this life
they are lack of affection,
their smiles are able to 'touch' every hearts of person who see their smile

hopefully later when i become successful, i can make a 'home' for them :)

It's you

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Love without Talking


One of the 2009 Cannes Lions winners!
The Director of SIGNS has his first feature film, Red Hill

Not Afraid

Cool video!

This song is often played in his car, 
so i unconsciously memorized this song, and he tried to memorize the rap of this song  

Chorus is my favorite part of this song :

"I'm not afraid ,To take a stand ,Everybody ,Come take my hand ,We'll walk this road together, through the storm,Whatever weather, cold or warm,Just lettin you know that, you're not alone,Holla if you feel like you've
been down the same road"

(Eminem - Not afraid)

Flying Photo

maybe,looks a little weird, but I like this photo :)

taken by : Deriano

Monday, December 12, 2011

Heart Beating

sudah hampir seminggu nafas dan detak jantung gue ga normal, setiap bersin atau batuk sekali aja, udah bisa membuat asma kambuh, mungkin bisa dihitung hampir tiap jam dan obat  yang gue konsumsi membuat detak jantung semakin cepat.
Seringkali gue tahan sendiri di kamar, menyendiri, berharap bisa pulih dengan rebahan dan bantuan ventolin, sampai akhirnya ga kuat dan ke UGD.
udah berapa kali bolak-balik UGD rumah sakit untuk minta inhalasi, yang mahal bukan inhalasinya malah pelayanan dokter, padahal gue butuhnya cuma inhalasinya aja buat membuat lancar kembali nafas yang sulit ini, ya karena aturan dari rumah sakit begitu, yasudah turuti saja.
Emang ga ada obat, sampe ke UGD segala ?
Ada, Ventolin yang selalu setia dalam genggaman layaknya telepon genggam, namun Ventolin itu sifatnya hanya preventif, tidak menyembuhkan, sehingga sering ga mempan kalo udah kambuh. Entah berapa Ventolin yang udah dihabiskan selama hidup ini
Penyakit yang satu ini memang ga bisa disembuhkan total, karena ini adalah penyakit bawaan alias keturunan, yang bisa gue lakukan sekarang adalah mencegahnya supaya seminimal mungkin asma itu gak kambuh, kayak berenang, terapi, menghirup udara segar, olahraga , dll
Gak bisa dipungkiri bahwa kondisi udara di Bandung yang dingin membuat gue sering kambuh, apalagi kalo itu musim-musim ujian kayak sekarang ini, asma gue bisa kambuh karena kebanyakan pikiran.
Bersyukurlah temen-temen yang ga punya asma, sehingga dapat bernafas dengan leluasa tanpa gangguan, gue juga bersyukur karena gue cuma punya penyakit asma, semoga ga ada penyakit lain lagi.Amin

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do i make some progress ?

It's been a little slow and sometimes agonizing, but rich and i am making progress on my life

Some quotes :

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change
their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw

"All progress occurs because people dare to be different."  —Harry Millne

This is my favorite quotes :

 "Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self confident, and more and more successful." —Mark Victor Hansen

 Do i make some progress ?

Yes,even just a bit..and i do believe it :)